Electrodynamics I (2020)
Classical electrodynamics is one of the crown jewels of human achievement. What Newton's laws did for the understanding of motion, Maxwell's equations did for a far more mysterious set of phenomena - it unified apparently disconnected phenomena related to electricity, magnetism, and light, and contributed to the discovery of special relativity. Electrodynamics is the simplest gauge field theory - a mathematical structure with beautiful and useful features that is now used to understand essentially all physical phenomena. An area that remains relevant to research owing to its myriad applications, it serves as a starting point for more fancy theory.
Target Audience
This is the core course ED-1 or P-106 in the TIFR graduate school. If you already had a good course in electrodynamics before coming to TIFR, you should try to drop this course (email me before 10 Jan; Drop test is on 25 Jan) and directly take ED-2.
This page will be updated regularly with course-related information. Please check frequently.
I am available over email (PLEASE include the tag "ED2020" in the subject line to ensure my spam filter doesn't reject it). You can send anonymous emails if you like. Comments, criticism, cat-gifs, all are welcome.
Time: 9:45 AM, Wednesdays and Fridays
Venue: AG 69
First lecture: 17 Jan 2020
Credit policy: 20% mid-term + 20% assignments + 30% term paper report and presentation + 30% from best of (end-term, mid-term, or term paper)
Instructor: Basudeb Dasgupta (A320)
Tutor: Sindhu (C338)
Course Contents
1. Preliminaries and Maxwell's equations (4 lectures)
2. Electrostatics in vacuum and materials (8 lectures)
3. Magnetostatics in vacuum and materials (6 lectures)
4. Time-varying E and B fields, and their properties (4 lectures)
5. Waves (5 lectures)
Suggested term paper topics: Fundamentals of ED, Optics, Acceleration, Trapping, Radiative Transfer, Waveguides, Membranes, Super/Sub-luminal Light, etc.
1. Modern Electrodynamics, Zangwill (Main Text - On Reserve in the Library; Beware of typos!)
2. Landau and Lifshitz Vol.2, Landau and Lifshitz
3. Landau and Lifshitz Vol.8, Landau, Lifshitz, and Pitaevskii
4. Classical Electrodynamics, Jackson
5. Feynman Lectures Vol.2, Feynman, Leighton, Sands
Problem Sets
PS1: Mathematical Background and Maxwell Equations (assigned 1 Feb; due on 14 Feb)
PS2: Electrostatics (assigned 14 Feb; due on 28 Feb)
PS3: Magnetostatics (assigned 10 April; due on 1 May)
PS4: Time varying E and B fields and Waves (assigned 29 April; due on 25 May)
Midterm: 29 March, 2-5 PM
Term Paper Presentation: 15, 20, 27, 29 May (in-class)
Endterm: 29 May (all day, at-home, optional)
Lecture Summaries
Day Zero (17 Jan): Calibration and Course Overview
Lecture 1 (21 Jan): Mathematical preliminaries
Overview of electrodynamics
Vectors, tensors, gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian in Cartesian coordinates
Lecture 2 (24 Jan): Mathematical preliminaries
Vector identities and theorems
Drop Test: 25 Jan at 2 PM in A304
Lecture 3 (29 Jan): Intro to Classical ED
The 4+1 equations
Charge, charge density, current, and current density
When can we treat EM as classical
Lecture 4 (31 Jan): Intro to Classical ED
Is the photon massless? Is the force law really 1/r^2
Linear superposition
Lorentz averaging
Idealizations (what is a ground? boundaries)
Matching conditions
Maxwells equations and units
Problem Sheet 1 assigned (due on 14 Feb)
Lecture 5 (5 Feb): Setting up electrostatics
Electric field
Potential Energy
Total Electrostatic Energy
Lecture 6 (7 Feb): Multipole expansion
Multipole expansion
Dipoles, potential, charge density of a point dipole, field, force and torque on dipole, energy
Dipole layer
Lecture 7 (12 Feb): More about multipoles
Traceless and spherical multipoles
Expansion of 1/|r-r'| in spherical harmonics or Legendre polynomials
Lecture 8 (14 Feb): Response of materials to electric fields
Lecture 9 (19 Feb): Solving Boundary Value Problems
Laplace and Poisson equations
Fundamental solution via Green's function: Basic Idea
Lecture 10 (21 Feb): Solving Boundary Value Problems
Field near a conical point, corner etc.
Lecture 11 (26 Feb): Green's functions
Constructing the Green's function between two concentric spheres
Variations of the above approach, and relation to 1/|r-r'| expansion when region is free space
Note the relation between the Green's function and the solution via image method.
No class on 28 Feb
Midterm: 29 Feb at 2 PM to 5 PM
The test is closed book/notes
The test will cover material taught until end of Lecture 11
No class on 4 and 6 March due to TIFR Graduate Admission Interviews
Lecture 12 (11 Mar): Review
Lecture 13 (13 Mar): Steady currents
Steady Currents and Summation Problems in Magnetostatics
CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Update (16 March): We will halt classroom lectures and move classes online. Check email for details.
Lecture 14 (25 March, on zoom): Potential problems in Magnetostatics
Magnetic potentials
Solving for potentials
Lecture 15 (27 March, on zoom): Understanding Magnetostatic fields
Magnetic Fields and their peculiar topologies
Uses of B fields in lensing / focussing
"Paradoxes" about work done on moving current loops by inhomogeneous B fields
Lecture 16 (3 April, on zoom): Material response to static B fields
Magnetic materials have a B_self in response to B_ext
B_self is related to J_self = J_spin + J_orbital
J_spin is specified as curl of M_spin ~ curl of sum over point dipoles
J_orb is specified using probability currents; and its M_orb is not uniquely defined
The I=0, i.e., no current condition, and its implementation using J and K
Definition of potential and field A_M and B_M as sum over dipoles
Lecture 17 (8 April, on zoom): Simple linear magnetostatics and energy-momentum conservation
B and H fields
Constitutive relations
Force, Energy, Work
Using Maxwell's equations for magnetostatics in matter
Lecture 18 (10 April, on zoom): Review
Discussion of Term Paper Topics
Lecture 19 (15 April, on zoom): Time dependent E and B fields
Time dependent E and B fields
Notion of J_pol and M_pol
Flux Theorem
Displacement current, Induction, Lenz law, ..
Lecture 20 (17 April, on zoom): Linearity and Hierarchy of Scales in electromagnetism
Dispersion relations for linear PDEs
Quasistatic solutions of Maxwell's eqns.
Quasistatics in matter: Charge relaxation, Skin depth, Eddy currents
Lecture 21 (22 April, on zoom): Potential formulation of EM
Symmetries of electromagnetism
Gauge invariance
Potentials and how to choose a gauge
Equations for potentials
Lecture 22 (24 April, on zoom): Energy-Momentum of EM fields
Energy density, energy flux, Poynting theorem, Poynting vector
Linear momentum of EM fields, dyadic T, local conservation laws
Angular momentum of EM fields, dyadic M, local conservation laws
Feynman's paradox (FLP Vol.II Sec.17.4)
Hidden mechanical momentum of EM fields (if using NR mechanics)
Lecture 23 (29 April, on zoom): Waves
Wave equation
The scalar potential route to wave-like solutions
EM waves in vacuum (General, Plane, Transverse, Beam-like, Spherical)
Lecture 24 (1 May, on zoom): Waves
EM Waves in simple media
Lecture 25 (6 May, on zoom): Waves
Potential formulation
Complex vectors
Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum of Transverse EM waves
Spherical waves and OAM
Lecture 26 (8 May, on zoom): Waves
TE and TM waves
Lecture 27 (13 May, on zoom): Waves (Dispersion)
Linear response and time delay as the cause of dispersion
Lorentz model of dispersion
Term Paper Presentations (15 May)
Koshvendra (Ponderomotive force due to sunlight on a satellite)
Ritik (Magnetic lens)
Pruthvi (Birefringence)
Term Paper Presentations (20 May)
Rakeeb (Neutron radiation)
Avijit (Magnetic mirror and charge in E,B fields; see proton trajectory in Earth's B field below)
Himadri (BVP with realistic shapes; see a modelling of the Burj Khalifa below)
Amphan Update (22 May): No class today (network problem for many)
Term Paper Presentations (27 May)
Himanshu (Synchrotron radiation; see a snapshot from a simulation of a moving charge below)
Rounak (EM tethered satellite; see thrust and drag of satellite below)
Ranjan (Dispersion)
Term Paper and End of Course (29 May)
Krishnendu (Physics of MRI; see simulation of T1 relaxation below)
Please submit all assignments to Sindhu
End of course feedback.
Congratulations, everyone! Let there be light!