Statistical Physics (2023)

Statistical mechanics enables us to model the behavior of macroscopic objects, which are made up of large numbers of constituents for which we only have incomplete descriptions, using probability theory and a microscopic theory of the constituents. It bridges the disconnect between mechanics which require complete knowledge of initial conditions, and the real world where such information is not available. These ideas therefore find widespread application.

Target Audience

This is course SP-1 in the TIFR graduate school.

This page will be updated regularly with course-related information. Please check frequently.


Time: Tu, Th at 1130 hrs

Venue: AG 69

First lecture: 17 Jan

Credit policy: TBD

Instructor: Basudeb Dasgupta

Tutors: Rupak Majumdar and Asikur Rahman

Course Webpage: Moodle Link [TIFR only]

Lecture Notes: Dropbox Link [Public]

Course Contents

1. Preliminaries: Motivation and review of thermodynamics

2. Probability and statistics: Counting, distributions, large numbers

3. Kinetic theory and approach to equilibrium; Brownian walks etc.

4. Classical statistical mechanics: Formalism and simple systems

5. Classical statistical mechanics: Interactions, approximations, phase transitions

6. Quantum statistical mechanics: Formalism, ideal Bose/Fermi gases, phase transitions

7. What else is there? and Review of the course


1. Statistical Mechanics, Huang (I personally find it most readable)

2. Statistical Physics (Berkeley Physics Course Vol.5), Reif

3. Statistical Mechanics of Particles, Kardar (Main text, but very terse. Videos are awesome.)

4. Statistical Mechanics Part-I (Course of Theoretical Physics Vol.5), Landau and Lifshitz

5. Lecture notes by David Tong, Cambridge Univ. (Kinetic Theory, Statistical Mechanics)

Problem Sets

1. PS1 (thermodynamics and probability)

2. PS2 (kinetic theory)

3. PS3 (classical stat. mech + interactions)

4. PS4 (quantum stat. mech) due by 27 May


1. Droptest on 4 Feb (10-12)

2. Midterm (26th March)

3. Endterm (27 May)

Lecture Summaries

 Lecture 1 (19 Jan)

Lecture 2 (24 Jan)

Lecture 3 (31 Jan)

Lecture 4 (2 Feb)

Droptest (4 Feb)

Lecture 5 (7 Feb)

Lecture 6 (9 Feb)

Lecture 7 (14 Feb)

Lecture 8 (16 Feb)

Lecture 9 (21 Feb)

Lecture 10 (23 Feb)

Lecture 11 (28 Feb)

Lecture 12 (2 Mar)

Lecture 13 (7 Mar)

Lecture 14 (9 Mar)

Lecture 15 (14 Mar)

Lecture 16 (16 Mar)

Lecture 17 (21 Mar)

Lecture 18 (21 Mar)

Midterm (26 Mar)

Lecture 19 (28 Mar)

Lecture 20 (20 Mar)

Lecture 21 (4 Apr)

Lectures 22-26 (6, 18, 20, 25, 27 Apr)

Lectures 27-34 (2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18 May)

Endterm (27 May)

Congratulations, everyone!